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OS Information

Read information about the operating system using the OS Information plugin.


Install the OS Information plugin to get started.

Use your project’s package manager to add the dependency:

npm run tauri add os


With this plugin you can query multiple information from current operational system. See all available functions in the JavaScript API or Rust API references.

Example: OS Platform

platform returns a string describing the specific operating system in use. The value is set at compile time. Possible values are linux, macos, ios, freebsd, dragonfly, netbsd, openbsd, solaris, android, windows.

import { platform } from '@tauri-apps/plugin-os';
// when using `"withGlobalTauri": true`, you may use
// const { platform } = window.__TAURI_PLUGIN_OS__;
const currentPlatform = await platform();
// Prints "windows" to the console


By default all plugin commands are blocked and cannot be accessed. You must define a list of permissions in your capabilities configuration.

See Permissions Overview for more information.

"permissions": [
os:allow-archEnables the arch command without any pre-configured scope.
os:deny-archDenies the arch command without any pre-configured scope.
os:allow-exe-extensionEnables the exe-extension command without any pre-configured scope.
os:deny-exe-extensionDenies the exe-extension command without any pre-configured scope.
os:allow-familyEnables the family command without any pre-configured scope.
os:deny-familyDenies the family command without any pre-configured scope.
os:allow-hostnameEnables the hostname command without any pre-configured scope.
os:deny-hostnameDenies the hostname command without any pre-configured scope.
os:allow-localeEnables the locale command without any pre-configured scope.
os:deny-localeDenies the locale command without any pre-configured scope.
os:allow-os-typeEnables the os-type command without any pre-configured scope.
os:deny-os-typeDenies the os-type command without any pre-configured scope.
os:allow-platformEnables the platform command without any pre-configured scope.
os:deny-platformDenies the platform command without any pre-configured scope.
os:allow-versionEnables the version command without any pre-configured scope.
os:deny-versionDenies the version command without any pre-configured scope.

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